Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bad Blogger

I have not been a very productive person this week.  That's why I've been cobbling together posts out of nothing.  Seriously-I talked about random kids toys yesterday.  Although they were pretty cool.

So, get ready for a whole lot of random chatter.

You know how you get back from being away for a weekend and your whole house explodes in clutter and laundry?  Yep, that's my house right now!  Luckily I did buy groceries, and I had to hit Walmart for some stuff for work and Trunk or Treat, but other than that, nothing has been done.  There are tons of dishes scattered about, lots of laundry piled up, two full suitcases in the bedroom, a couple chairs waiting to be assembled from our weekend shopping, and lots of dog hair.  It's starting to make me crazy.

I mentioned Trunk or Treat, which will happen on Halloween at my church.  It sounds creepy, but it's a thing.  It's creepy because the whole idea is to decorate the trunk or tailgate of your car in a fall or non-scary Halloween theme and pass out candy.  What makes it not creepy is that it's sponsored by our church.  It's sort of a non-scary alternative to trick or treating.  This is the first year that our church will do this, and my theme will be Reading is a Hoot.  There will be lots of owls and I'll give out bookmarks, stickers, and candy-because no one likes the lady that doesn't give out candy.  And I'll have a whole library in my car ready to read to some kiddos.  I'm really excited, but I am still trying to figure out how to get Lucy involved.  She won't dress up, but maybe she can just hang out.

Here's what I'll be passing out:

And hopefully I will make some owl pillows and decorations.  Wish me luck, because I don't sew!

 In reading news, I am still patiently waiting on my library copy of The Diviners and resisting the urge to click Buy It Now on Amazon.  I'm also kinda reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper, which is a very good book so far, but I just can't make myself sit down and read it.  I honestly can't make myself sit down and read anything right now.  I guess I'm just having an ADD moment.  But I am playing a ton of Sudoku.  I honestly try to do one Sudoku or puzzle a day to stave off dementia.  I'm crazy paranoid about that.

I need to wrap this up.  It's been a lovely fall in Illinois and it's really cooled down, so this is a typical night at my house:

All cuddled under blankets with the dog.  I have finally and fully embraced fall!

Happy Reading!

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