Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mrs. Noodlekugel

Amid tall, tall buildings lies a quaint little house, with a garden and a porch, and in that quaint little house lives Mrs. Noodlekugel.  Nick and Maxine first spot this little house from their apartment and ask janitor Mike how to get there, but their parents tell them not to bother the woman that lives there.  But in true youthful fashion, they venture to the house anyway and discover the simple wonders that live there.  This is a delightful books for young fans of Mary Poppins, Amelia Bedelia, and other fictitious nannies.

Again, this was a Cinjoella pick that I was able to check out as an e-book from my library.  What is so lovely about Mrs. Noodlekugel is that she does not appear to be magic in anyway, rather, things just happen.  She taught her cat how to talk, there's nothing special about that, and the gingermice just run away, it's strange, but that's the way of things.

Thankfully, Mrs. Noodlekugel will be back with more adventures.  Readers will be able to continue discovering new and surprising occurrences with Nick and Maxine and surely the cat and mice will be back too.  Highly recommended for early readers and for shared reading.

Happy Reading!

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